However, the pot still is still widely used for the elaboration of some fine alcohols such as cognac, Scotch whisky and some vodkas. 可是,罐式蒸馏器仍用于一些酒的精加工,如,白兰地、苏格兰威士忌及伏特加。
They set out on their way, But when they arrived, the pot of fat certainly was still in its place, But it was empty. 它们动身去教堂,可它们到达那里后,看到猪油罐倒是还在那里,里面却是空的。
If you decide to purchase a health insurance plan for your pot bellied pig make sure it is one that it will still be valid at the end of your pets life, which could bet twenty years away. 如果您决定购买健康保险计划,您的盆栽大肚子猪确认它是一个将仍然有效结束时,您的宠物的生活,这可能打赌二十年了。
Whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still. 苏格兰地区蒸馏制成的威士忌;尤其是用罐式蒸馏器中的发芽大麦制成的威士忌。
He dreamt he became a high official and enjoyed a life of wealth and comfort, only to wake up and find that the pot of millet was still cooking for him on the fire. 在梦中,他当上了高官,并过着一种富足舒适的生活,只是醒来后才发现锅中小米仍然在火上煮着。
However, the service standards and service supply of Chongqing hot pot chain is still a big gap over its competitors. 然而,在服务标准与服务提供方面,重庆火锅连锁企业较竞争对手仍有很大差距。